11 Fun Ice Breakers for Work & Social Events

11 Great Ways to Start off a Meeting

January 21, 2025 |

Team having fun

Icebreakers, to start a meeting with your team, and with family and friends, can make a positive difference. They work in person or during virtual meetings (e.g., Zoom, Teams, etc.).

How Ice Breakers Help

  • Setting a positive tone for the meeting
  • They build team camaraderie
  • They set the stage for open and positive communication
  • You learn new and interesting things about your group
  • They can get people laughing (for the right reasons)

I’ve led icebreakers for many business gatherings. Here are 11 of my favorites.

11 Team Building Ice Breakers

1. Share Something Funny

Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried, or until you rolled on the floor? When was the last time you heard or experienced something that funny? Everyone shares an experience that made them roll. Keep it clean if you’re at work! 😂

2. Select a Coin

Bring some change in a cup. Everyone selects a coin, reads the date, and shares something significant that happened in their life that year. Using coins that were minted after 1990 works best so that everyone can relate.

3. Skill Teaching

People have unique skills. One person plays golf, others quilt, and some are great at cooking. Each person takes 3-5 minutes to teach the group about one of their skills. You will learn about your group and learn about new skills. 

4. Share Your Story

Everyone answers the following seven questions. Those who wish to share their answers should do so briefly. If you have more time, people can ask questions. 

  1. Where you grew up:
  2. First job:
  3. Unique challenge in life or childhood:
  4. Worst job (it can’t be your current job 😂):
  5. What is something others might be surprised to know about you?
  6. Favorite candy:
  7. Who, living or dead, would you most like to have a meal with? (famous, historical, etc.)

5. Quote or Poem

A friend of mine asked everyone to bring a favorite poem to read on his birthday. The selections told me something about each of the people. Ask your team, friends, or family to share their favorites. He’s one of mine: How Did You Die by Edmund Vance Cooke.

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to access my Free video & worksheet, Shatterproof Yourself: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health.

6. Share Your Positives

When I wake up most days, I write down 5 things that happened in my life the day before that were positive. This helps me have a healthy perspective. Participants do this as a group. Everyone shares something in their life that happened yesterday that was positive and something they’re excited about later. 

7. Fact or Fiction

Give everyone an index card and have them write their name on the card. Have them write down two true statements and one false statement about themselves and pass their card to you. Read the name on the card and the three statements, and then have participants guess which statement is false. 

8. Question Jar

Several questions are placed in a jar, you pull out a question and answer it. The questions should be light and fun. If someone doesn’t want to answer a question, pick another.

Purchase The Legacy Jar, which has 106 laminated question pieces, and instructions, and comes in a small transportable jar. It contains the best conversation starters and was developed over twenty years of working with workplace teams and families. It’s ideal to bring to work or to take on road trips.

Legacy Jar 2

9. Top 3 Goals

Everyone gets 3 minutes to write down their top three personal or professional goals. Set a timer. Everyone shares their goals and a step they can take towards reaching each goal.

10. What Do We Have In Common

People usually have more in common than they realize. Where they grew up, favorite foods, favorite sports teams, hobbies, and interests. Everyone finds three things they have in common with other people on the team. Share your findings.  

11. One Strength & One Growth Area

Everyone shares one strength or quality that helps them in life, at home, or at work. Everyone shares one area in their life where they need improvement or help from others. The more people risk opening up, the better this activity at bonding a team. The leader goes first.

Side Note
Create a safe environment for these activities to work. It is not acceptable to criticize or embarrass others when they share. Don’t pressure someone to participate. Stay upbeat, even if others are negative, as most will eventually join the fun.

Have the courage to try an icebreaker at your next staff meeting, family gathering, business event, or family meal. 

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to access my Free video & worksheet, Shatterproof Yourself: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health. 

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