
Life Coaching and Counseling
Time Management

Every 15 Minutes Counts Towards Progress

You can make great progress in just a quarter of an hour. Significant and "imperfect" progress is a product of consistently making smart 15-minute choices.

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Curious man

My 20 Favorite Questions to Ask Clients

Human connection heals! As you prepare for interactions with your family, friends & co-workers, here are some questions that can strengthen bonds.

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Anxiety on flight

3 Keys to Lowering Anxiety

Anxiety robs us of enjoying life. It's the great thief of our time. You should view it as your biggest enemy. Stop letting fear get the best of you.

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Emotionally health

How To Be Emotionally Healthy

There's a correlation between a lack of healthy emotional expression with depression and anxiety. How do I know this? Well, from research, as well as, from my own personal experience. But there is hope! The healthier you become emotionally, the better life gets.

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Young Professionals Having Meeting in Glass Office

3 Foolproof Ways to Motivate Your Team

Over the past 20 years as a family therapist, trainer, and coach, I've helped over 2,000 families and over 200 companies improve their work culture. There are similarities between the healthiest companies and families. Here are three traits they have in common.

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Relationship Mistake

10 Ways to Encourage People

Most people make one big relationship mistake, both personally and professionally. Stopping this tendency will significantly improve your life and encourage the people you love. 

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Brave man ooking over a cliff in Yosemite

7 Unexpected Benefits to Being Brave

The benefits of facing my fears far outweighs the embarrassment, failure, and rejection I may experience. Remembering these benefits energizes and motivates me to do scary stuff. Here are 7 of the biggest benefits.

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Building Trust

7 Keys to Building Trust in Relationships

Here are 7 keys I look for when deciding if I can trust someone deeply. These as the ways I can create a foundation where others can deeply trust me.

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Grateful Woman

25 Gratitude Building Questions

We all have seasons in our lives when it's very hard to be positive. I can easily view myself as the victim. Gratitude is one of the only things that can end my pity party. 

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Adam's First Sky Dive. Growing my self-confidence.

18 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

I went skydiving in 2019. I did it partly to face a fear I had for over 20 years. Skydiving can be a self-confidence builder. Here are 18 even better ways to build your self-confidence.

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