47 Questions to Get to Know People Better
One of the best actions you can do to improve your life, and the lives of others, is to reach out and get to know people better. People feel alone and they want to be known. The place to start is with curiosity. Below are some great questions to ask. I've learned fascinating things about people I've known for decades, all because I asked.
Read More50 Fun Relationship-Building Questions
Here's a list of 50 of my favorite relationship building questions. Use this tool to build relationships at work, home, and with your friends. They work well for team meetings and family events. Enjoy!
Read More12 Tools for Regulating Your Emotions
What situations trigger you emotionally? Be prepared to handle these situations different differently, in a positive fashion. Here are 12 ways to regulate your emotions when triggered.
Read MoreHow to Be Less Critical & More Encouraging
I can be critical of others. That’s been a dysfunctional strategy for staying safe. Here are 5 relationship strategies helping me break this horrible habit.
Read MoreHow to Like & Value Yourself
I struggle with self confidence. Even though I've had success in life, my insecurities never totally go away. I have to fight them each day.
Read More5 Secrets to Enjoying Family Over the Holidays
If you get anxious about time with family and friends during the holidays, this information will help. Here are tools to get you past your fears and into the fun.
Read MoreHow to Make Good Decisions
I've wasted countless hours in turmoil over decisions. Indecision has hurt my career and cost me financially. I've frustrated family and friends because I couldn't make up my mind. Few things stress me out more than major choices, and few things bring me as much relief as getting decisions made.
Read More30 Happiness Building Actions
There's a lack of happiness and no shortage of stress and anxiety in the world today. People who take care of their mental health do things differently. They engage in actions that are distinct from those who struggle.
Read MoreImprove Your Mental Health Today
Not much will improve your mental health faster than facing your fears. Nothing is more damaging to your mental health than playing it safe. Here are 17 scary actions you can take to work on this.
Read MoreHow to Change Damaging Mindsets
Negative core beliefs are deeply, and often unconsciously, held beliefs about ourselves and the world. They form during our upbringing and further develop through life experiences.
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