Legacy Coaching
Premium Life CoachingCoaching is not curriculum driven. It’s focused on helping clients reach their specific goals. Most have found the following topics extremely helpful in living with clarity. Each addresses a core aspect in creating a successful future. At the end of the coaching process, clients launch out with a guiding document, known as their legacy plan.
Session 1: Orientation; Replace Limiting Mindsets (Core Beliefs)
Session 2: Decide Your Legacy (Vision)
Session 3: Healthy Thinking Skills (Gratitude)
Session 4: Your True Value (Self-Concept)
Session 5: Assess Your Life & Make it a 7 (Balance)
Session 6: What Gets Me Going & Slows Me Down (Core Needs)
Session 7: Emotional & Relational Health
Session 8: Live From Your Core (Core Values)
Session 9: Why You Exist? (Life Purpose)
Session 10: What I Do Right Now (Mission)
Session 11: Where I Focus My Energy (Goals)
Session 12: Be Intentional (Habits)