Why I Started Decide Your Legacy

How to Find Your Best Future

April 30, 2024 |

Finding Clarity

Decide Your Legacy was created to help people find transformational clarity and face their biggest fears so they can LIVE & LEAVE their desired legacy. At times, due to my own insecurities, I’ve played it safe and steered away from the purpose, yet I always end up back at where I started.  

Decide Your Legacy was created to help people clarify a plan for their life.  A Legacy Plan. Something flexible, not rigid. A framework, a guide, a reminder using the Your Legacy Journey framework. 

A Legacy Plan comes out of courage, not fear. It propels you forward to face your fears. Very few people intentionally step back to uncover this clarity. Most people don’t “sculpt” their lives. They accept what comes their way and then gripe about it.

At Decide Your Legacy, we help people figure out what they REALLY want and create a plan to get there. We do this through coaching and workshops. 

Legacy Coaching & Legacy Workshop Topics

1. Vision (Decide Your Legacy)

How do you hope others remember you when you’re gone? Create your Legacy Statement and 10-year vision that will keep you focused and motivated.

2. Healthy Thinking Skills 

Shift your focus away from fear towards hope. Learn 3 tools that will reshape your life perspective for the better.

3. Emotional Health 

Your emotions are a God given resource. Understand how to effectively identify, manage, and express your feelings in ways that build relationships and help you reach your goals. Check out this DYL Emotions Bookmark with activities I use with clients and workshop attendees. 

4. Self-Concept (What I Love About Myself)

Gain insight into the assets of your personality, life experiences, and passions. Identify what you love about yourself and learn how to be your own biggest encourager.

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to access my Free video & worksheet, Shatterproof Yourself: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health.

5. Core Beliefs (Replace Limiting Mindsets)

Everyone has perspectives of themselves and the world that hold them back. Identify your negative core beliefs and learn how to overcome them.

6. Core Needs (How I Thrive)

We all forget what energizes us and what drains us. Identify what you need each day to thrive and create a plan to get these needs met each day.

7. Life Balance (Make it a 7)

Learn how to use the Life Wheel as a tool to consistently assess your life and make necessary shifts. Establish realistic and healthy expectations in each life area.

8. Life Purpose (Why I Exist)

Understand the clues to discovering your unique life purpose. Identify strategies to engage these reasons for your existence. Create your life purpose statement.

9. Core Values (How I Behave)

Core values are the behaviors that you deem most essential for your personal success. Identify your top core values and create a plan to live them out each day. 

8. Mission (What I Do Professionally)

In what practical ways can you live out your life purpose right now? Create a clear statement telling the world how you live out your purpose.

11. Goals (My Focus)

Healthy goals energize, inspire, and keep you balanced. Learn how to set the right goals and avoid the wrong ones.

12. Habits (My Consistent Actions)

Establish the behavioral habits that lead to successfully reaching your goals. 

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to access my Free video & worksheet, Shatterproof Yourself: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health.

Counseling is about …..

  1. The therapist is the expert
  2. Your problems and how they keep you stuck
  3. Your past
  4. How you’re doing things by default
  5. Healing old wounds
  6. The possibilities
  7. Old thinking and how to stop it
  8. Uncovering your fears and replacing them
  9. What’s wrong in your life & fixing it
  10. Direction from the counselor

Coaching is about …..

  1. The client is the expert
  2. Your potential and how it can become reality
  3. Your future
  4. Doing things intentionally
  5. Opportunities you have to move forward
  6. The possibilities
  7. New thinking and how to implement it
  8. Uncovering your passions and pursuing them
  9. What’s right in your life
  10. Direction you have inside yourself

With a Decide Your Legacy coach you’ll …..

  1. Reach your goals faster.
  2. Become a more effective leader.
  3. Identify what you REALLY want and move towards it.
  4. Create a motivating vision for your future.
  5. Engage a whole new level of accountability.

Click here for a free 45-minute life coaching consultation with me, Adam Gragg, or a member of my team. Let us help you create your personal legacy plan through coaching or by attending a Decide Your Legacy Workshop. You’ll quickly understand the difference a coaching approach can make. 

Why I Started Decide Your Legacy (post) – by Adam Gragg
Successfully Navigating Life Transitions (post) – by Adam Gragg
Clarifying a Vision for Your Future (post) by Adam Gragg