47 Questions for Getting to Know People Better

You'll Never Learn Until Your Ask

February 11, 2025 |

Building relationships

One of the best actions you can do to improve your life, and the lives of others, is to reach out and get to know people better. Most people are craving closer relationships.

The place to start is with curiosity. Below are some great questions to ask. I’ve learned fascinating things about people I’ve known for decades, all because I asked.

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to receive my free video and workbook SHATTERPROOF YOURSELF: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health. 

Questions 1 – 20

1. How much money does a person need to love life?
2. What is one of the best pieces of life advice you would give to someone younger than you?
3. What was your house and neighborhood like growing up?
4. What were the 2 – 3 happiest times in your life?
5. What was your life like in high school? Elementary school? Middle school?
6. How did you meet a close friend or spouse?
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
8. Who was your first girlfriend or boyfriend?
9. Tell me about your parents & grandparents.
10. Tell me about your cousins, aunts, and uncles.
11. What was one of your biggest challenges growing up?
12. Who did you feel the most unconditional love from growing up?
13. Have you ever almost died? What happened?
14. What are a couple of your biggest fears?
15. What do you think the greatest invention has been during your lifetime?
16. How would others describe you in middle school, high school, and/or college?
17. How many times were you in love?
18. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
19. Who is someone famous, dead or alive, you admire & why do you admire them?
20. Who was a positive role model in your life growing up, that was not related to you?

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to receive my free video and workbook SHATTERPROOF YOURSELF: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health. 

Questions 21 – 47

21. Who was a positive role model growing up, other than your parents, who is related to you?
22. What would you have done differently, as a teenager, if you were 10 times more confident?
23. What would you have done differently in your career if you were 10 times more confident?
24. What would you do differently, in your life now, if you were 10 times more confident?
25. What’s a moment in American history that you will never forget?
26. Did you ever have a run-in with the law?
27. What was your first job?
28. What was your worst job?
29. What was your favorite job?
30. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
31. What was your favorite subject in school growing up and why?
32. How did you propose?
33. What was the most fun you had while raising your kids?
34. How different was the world when you were a child?
35. What are your favorite memories of me while I was growing up? (for family)
36. What do you believe are some of my biggest talents?
37. Have you ever been depressed? When and why?
38. What are some of your fondest memories from your childhood?
39. What is my birth story? What is my sibling’s birth story? (for family)
40. What was one of your favorite outfits as a kid or teenager?
41. What is one of the best things you’ve ever spent money on?
42. What is one of the worst things you’ve ever spent money on?
43. What is one of the best pieces of career advice you would give to someone younger?
44. Tell me about your first car. What happened to it?
45. Have you ever met someone famous?
46. Can you tell me a story or memory about your brothers and sisters?
47. What were your favorite toys and games?

Below is a PDF of all 47 of these questions. First, download it and save it on your desktop. Then, print off this tool and ask some of the questions, not just with family, but with anyone you’re close to or want to get to know better. Share this list with your friends, family, and co-workers.

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