How to Make Good Decisions
Few things bring as much relief as getting decisions made. With practice, you can improve your ability to make quality choices. Here are 17 tools to start using today.
Read More9 Traps to Avoid with Setting Goals
To reach your goals, it's important to know why many people miss the mark. Here are 9 common traps that snag people and make your goals fall flat. Avoid each one!
Read More4 Books I Want All My Clients to Read
In addition to gaining insight and self-awareness, reading inspiring books has led to major shifts in my attitude. Here are 4 books that have improved my life and will improve your life as well.
Read MoreEvery 15 Minutes Counts Towards Progress
You can make great progress in just a quarter of an hour. Significant and "imperfect" progress is a product of consistently making smart 15-minute choices.
Read MoreStop Procrastinating & Get Things Done
Clients share with me frustrations about not getting things done. They almost always know what they need to do, but they don't do it. Here are 4 strategies I use to help myself and clients overcome procrastination.
Read More25 Books That Have Changed My Life
I've read a lot of books and a special few have inspired me deeply. Some books have changed, and possibly saved, my life. I want to share them with you.
Read MoreEliminate Mental Clutter & Procrastination
Do you procrastinate? Most procrastination is driven by anxiety & control. You avoid engaging in core tasks believing this will keep you safe.
Read MoreHow to Make Good Decisions (Part 2)
You will make some bad decisions in life and that's OK. You'll trust untrustworthy people. You'll take the wrong job. An investment of time and money will go south. Will you follow up bad choices by learning and taking a better path?
Read MoreHow To Reach Your Goals (Part 2)
Anxiety is a huge obstacle in moving towards goals. Fear of being criticized and rejected keeps me from taking the leap. Some don't start because they fear letting themselves down and being able to cope. FEAR (false evidence appearing real) like this is flawed. Whatever the challenge, getting STARTING on you goals is easier if you answer these 4 questions.
Read MoreHow To Reach Your Goals (Part 3)
Here’s a goal setting activity I’ve used with dozens of clients. It takes no more than 15 minutes to complete. You can do it personally or with your team. Works... Read More
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