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Fear vs Hope Cycle
Everyone struggles with fear & anxiety at different points. Sometimes it's triggered by trauma. Sometimes a lack of sleep can sleep causes it. You can take specific actions to change your perspective from fear to hope.
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A Simple & Powerful Stress Coping Tool
Clients frequently ask for help in coping with stress. Most people can identify the source of their tension (e.g. parenting, relationships, the economy, money, job, health, COVID, etc.), but often CANNOT figure out how to stop the worry.
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A Secret to Overcoming Depression
I've learned over the years that the way out of anxiety and depression always starts with becoming aware that you're struggling with your attitude. Once you're aware you are stuck, then you can then make changes. You won't try to fix something you don't acknowledge is broken.
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Overcoming Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety focuses on what can go wrong. It zeroes in on the worst outcome coming true and bad things happening again. Hope focuses on what can go right, and the opportunity in every circumstance.
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How to Make Good Decisions (Part 2)
You will make some bad decisions in life and that's OK. You'll trust untrustworthy people. You'll take the wrong job. An investment of time and money will go south. Will you follow up bad choices by learning and taking a better path?
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Coping with Anxiety (Part 2)
What is Anxiety? ~ Being consumed by future failures ~ Being absorbed by past failures ~ Something that stifles your intuition ~ Something that steals your ability to trust yourself ~ A false belief that being intense makes you safe ~ A false belief that productivity keeps you safe
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